Environmentally Friendly Sustainable Solutions to
Waste Processing
The Alternative to Land Filling Municipal Solid Waste.
The Waste-to-Energy Solution
It just makes sense to use the waste and garbage that our society creates and turn it into a responsible and clean source of renewable energy.
This is the ultimate Renewable Energy Solution available today. The Hoskinson Waste-to-Energy power plant is designed to convert many types of waste into a source of stable and continuous electricity for homes and businesses. And in the process, their design also meets or exceeds all applicable environmental requirements without the use of extensive and expensive anti-pollution control equipment.
Whether its disposing of Municipal Solid Waste, Industrial Waste or Medical Waste, The Hoskinson Group has the right solution tailored to meet your requirements and they have the history to prove it.
Each Plant uses proven and proprietary pyrolytic gasification process which reaches temperatures of nearly 2,000°F that very efficiently disposes of waste, pathogens, and other pollutants. Operating at these temperatures very efficiently converts even high-humidity content waste into power at up to 6 MW per 150-tons per day of waste. Higher BTU content waste may produce up to 10 MW per unit.
The Plant uses virtually no external fossil fuel, produces no discernible pollution, and uses proven and innovative Hoskinson technology developed by Gordon Hoskinson over the last 45 years, which makes it is easier to maintain and operate. Staying true to a “keep it simple” philosophy also reduces the Total Cost of Ownership and provides for the potential to operate each plant at a profit.
We can increase the waste throughput using their unique scalable design to consume up to 800 tons of waste per day and produce a corresponding increase in electricity production by co-locating up to four of their gasification and combustion units into one Facility. This multi-unit deployment strategy also provides for a rotational preventative maintenance schedule for each unit without shutting down all operations. Additionally, geographically distributing our Waste-to-Energy Facilities around larger communities results in more efficient waste collection operations that can consume thousands of tons of waste per day.
Their modular “bolt-together” design keeps on-site fabrication to an absolute minimum which increases the quality and speed of the installation. Full Facility operations can be initiated within 12 months or so from the time of purchase.